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* Disclaimer.

All clients should consult their own doctor/physician or other health care professional before starting this or any coaching program.

Rachel Tinker is not a medical doctor or medical practitioner and she is not holding herself to be in any capacity. She will not diagnose or claim to cure any condition. Rachel Tinker takes a holistic approach to wellbeing and is a full member of the UK and International Health Coaching Association (UKIHCA) and is insured. She holds a Diet Specialist Nutritional Level 5 Advanced Diploma qualification and Primary Certificates in Health and Wellness coaching, Sports nutrition, functional nutrition and has 2 years MSc Psychology training with completion 2025.

Rachel Tinker offers coaching for nutritional and wellbeing support, advice and information. It is the sole responsibility of the client to make an informed choice on whether to follow the advice. It is assumed that by attending an appointment they have consented to treatment. 

Rachel Tinker recognises and exercises professional judgement within the limit of her qualifications and scope of practice and communications remain strictly confidential unless disclosure is required or permitted by UK law. 

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