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Healthy Food

As a UKIHCA Certified Health and Wellness Coach, trained in Health and wellbeing cognitive behavioural coaching and holding a diploma in Nutrition and mindful eating practices, I can coach in areas such as, weight loss, weight management, self-awareness, self-confidence and nutritional planning, offering guidance in developing and sustaining long term health habits. 

Nourish and Thrive

Invest in your health. Invest in your future.

5 Sessions personalised to your individual needs £410

Free initial 15 minute phone introductory call.

Stop the never ending cycle of weight-loss programs and imagine your life where the day isn't dictated by counting calories or restriction. Ease symptoms of Perimenopause, IBS, or take your athletic training to the next level. Whatever your specific needs my coaching is based on living a nutrient dense, balance, fulfilling life, where food is a source of joy and nourishment enabling you to thrive. 

     Over 5 coaching sessions we will work together to begin your journey.

  • Coaching will begin with a personalised assessment, evaluating current food choices and relationship with food.   

  • We will delve into the root cause of any concerns and work towards fostering a positive mindset.

  • Knowledge is power and I will equip you with evidence based information needed to make informed choices about nutrition and overall wellbeing. 

  • I will guide you towards mindful eating practices and developing a healthier relationship with food. 

  • Together we will set realistic goals that are suited to your personal circumstances so that you can maintain progress even when faced with challenges.  

  • We will work together to identify and modify habits, creating sustainable lifestyle changes.

  • Tracking your progress over 5 sessions allows us to make adjustments as needed to ensure continuous improvement and prevent setbacks. 

  • As your coach you are not alone in your journey. I truly care about my clients and want you to succeed in your goals.

  • Single sessions are available for any future follow ups.  

''Many people struggle with maintaining healthy eating habits or simply do not know what to eat.

I do not put any of my clients on a 'diet plan', these are unsuccessful and hard to maintain long term. Instead, we work together to make nutrient dense food choices, develop a new understanding and appreciation for the role food plays in your body and establish what you and your body needs to develop meaningful goals and steps towards adopting a healthier lifestyle.'' 

Feel free to email me to discuss your needs


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