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How to boost your work performance

Are you striving for a promotion, aiming to meet deadlines more effectively, or simply looking to enhance your overall productivity? Adopting strategies to improve your work performance can significantly impact your career trajectory. Cranbrook based Wellness Coach Rachel Tinker (rtwellness) gives her top tips on how to boost your work performance in today's fast paced world, to maximise your performance and professional and personal growth. Why some performance coaches, life coaches and executive coaches may focus on a clients creativity, resilience, decision making, strategic thinking and so on, Rachel Tinker of RTWellness believes that your personal wellbeing has a huge role to play in optimising your work performance.

colleagues at work
Optimise your performance at work

Practice Self-Care and Focus on your Wellbeing:

Prioritise your physical and mental wellbeing to sustain high levels of work performance. Establish healthy habits such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, a nutritious diet including a wide variety of plant based foods, fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and stress-management techniques like meditation, deep breathing and mindfulness. Take regular breaks throughout the day to recharge to avoid burnout and to ensure that you're operating at your optimal capacity.

Work Mindfully

Develop a greater awareness and understanding of your personal strengths and weaknesses. Leaving ego's at the door and being open minded and willing to accept constructive feedback from peers, mentors, coaches or supervisors is instrumental in gaining valuable insights into your work processes, and to identify areas for improvement and continued professional development. Being present by actively listening to others to facilitate a seamless informational exchange and understanding with colleagues and superiors, which can enhance professional relationships and productivity.

Create the right work environment

Create a conducive work environment by minimising noise, decluttering your workspace, having comfortable furniture and utilising noise-cancelling headphones if necessary. Stand up desks offer an alternative way of working that can help with posture or physical aches and pains that can be associated with office work.

Prioritise Tasks:

Identify tasks based on their urgency and importance. Categorise tasks into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important to help you prioritise effectively. Focus your efforts on tasks that align with your goals and have the greatest impact on your work.

Manage Time Effectively:

Develop a structured daily schedule, allocating specific time slots for different tasks and activities and remember to include a moment in your day for self-care. Take a break from your desk, re-fuel your body with nutritious foods and water, and take a moment to step outside and get some fresh air or exercise. Utilise tools such as; calendars, planners, or time-tracking apps to help you stay organised and adhere to your schedule.

Set Clear and Achievable Goals:

Break down your larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks, and set specific deadlines for each. This approach not only helps you stay organised but also enables you to track your progress more effectively, leading to increased motivation and focus.

Improving work performance is a continuous journey that requires dedication, self-awareness, and strategic effort. By implementing these strategies and ensuring that your personal and professional wellbeing are in harmony, you can optimise your productivity, achieve your goals, and excel in your career.

Rachel Tinker is a experienced wellbeing coach working with individuals to improve their personal and professional performance and work and life balance. Rachel see's clients face to face at her private clinic in Cranbrook, Kent ( and for Walk and Talk coaching sessions in Cranbrook and the surrounding villages. You can take advantage of her expertise remotely online. To learn more visit RTWellness

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